com Histórias e Memórias
Promoção da Literacia Familiar e Comunitária

O Projeto visa a tomada de consciência por parte das famílias da importância das práticas de leitura e de escrita em contexto familiar e aumentar as oportunidades de as crianças desenvolverem competências de literacia emergente.

Que receberá livros novos ou usados em boas condições e venderá livros a preços simbólicos e cujas receitas irão reverter a 100% para projetos sociais na Comunidade, tendo ainda uma área para empréstimo e doação de livros;

Promotion of Family and Community Literacy

The Project aims to make families aware of the importance of reading and writing practices in a family context and to increase the opportunities for children to develop emerging literacy skills.

Livraria Social | Social Bookstore

Who will receive new or used books in good condition and will sell books at symbolic prices and whose revenues will revert 100% to social projects in the Community, also having an area for borrowing and donating books;
THE LOGO | descriptive memory
IDENTIFY AREA: the silhouettes of the trees are of cork oaks that represent the Portuguese identity, through its biodiversity | The houses represent the community | The stylized book that supports the entire context. It turns out to be one of the main actors in the whole process of this new project. is the element which will encourage the sharing of knowledge and experiences | 

LETTERING: Thirsty script. Calligraphic typeface.

COLOUR PALETTE: maximum use of the colors of the previous project, but with the insertion of a water green that helps to balance the warm and sober tone of the set. This color is present inside the bookstore.

IDEAS AND CULTURE AREA:  the spiral is a legacy of the previous project 'Youth Market'. It serves as a testimony passage. It also appeals to the sense of inner travel |
The pencil represents the moments of creation and the bicycle calls for mobility and sustainability-friendly behavior | The lamp is the figurative representation of ideas | The duck and the owl are the representation of the tale with the same name by Hanna Johansen. They are completely different. One sleeps at night, another during the day, one likes to swim, the other flies silently through the woods. A story about difference and learning about tolerance |
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